Achieving 99% Opacity

SUPERUSELESS SUPERPOWER: Achieving 99% opacity, a.k.a. The Slightly Invisible Man.

This throwaway power lets you vanish into thin air as long as that thin air is obscured by enough thick air to cover up the other 99% of your completely visible body. Sorry, no dice on landing that plum invisibility role in the sequel to Ghost Dad either.


  1. I think you're wanting to say "99% Transparency" which would be associated with invisibility. Opacity basically refers to something that doesn't allow light to pass through it. Peeps already are 100% opaque. I know in Illustrator it says "Opacity." It's all a matter of context I suppose.

  2. No, I think it's right. If you're 99% opaque, you're only 1% transparent, making it a superuseless superpower worthy of this site. :P

  3. @Nerd Love-Bot: no, it was 99% Opacity, ie, 1% transparency, that's why it's so useless :-)

  4. That superuseless power could be pretty useful if you're going to the doctors. He would be able to spot those tumors without putting you in the scanner. Of course, those tumors would be there because of ultraviolet rays being absorbed into your 99% opaque body

  5. You might actually be able to notice this superpower if you stand in front of the sun. You'll give off a yellowish glow.

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