Turning into a brick wall. Forever.

SUPERUSELESS SUPERPOWER: Turning into a brick wall. Forever
The power to transform into a brick wall is truly awesome. Except when you can only do it once and can’t ever change back. And while Larry’s powers did momentarily save his village from the barbarians...they came back later with a ladder.


  1. Actually that is a common misconception. The walls they built were not meant to keep the barbarians out ... they were meant to keep their sheep out. That is why Hadrians wall in Scotland was only about 4 feet high, smaller than a man.

    Barbarians were always nomadic tribes, who travelled with their sheep and goats etc. They could scale the wall, but the trouble of lifting a few hundred sheep meant they couldn't zip back and forth across even a low wall. Think concrete parking lot medians.

  2. It is funny that a man in a collared button-up shirt, would have cause to fear a barbarian raid.

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  5. How about permanently turning to a indestructibly strong & heavy steel when 200 feet under water?... of course, you can't breath under water.

  6. I'm not convinced this is useless.

    History is full of Kamikaze style actions - someone sacrificing themselves if only to delay the invaders.

    Our hero did something worthwhile in delaying the barbarians. It's nothing to do with him whether the villagers fail to use the extra time to prepare defences or hide.

  7. One of my friends thought of a very similar power. Captain Plankton can turn into plankton. Once.

  8. I have similar...I can explode.


  9. My only question is: how dose this person know he has this power if s/he can only use it once?
